Cloud Backup

Virtual Vault

How to Protect Your Database with Virtual Vault?

Introduction The data that you collect and accumulate is more precious than gold and as a business owner, it is your responsibility to protect it. But how do you do that? There are various ways to do that, like cloud backup solutions. One of the solutions that work with cloud backup is the virtual vault. What is Virtual Vault? Virtual Vault is a cloud-based data backup solution that lets users securely store their data files on a server in the cloud. Offering unlimited storage space, virtual vaults are fast and easy to use. They can be used with any device like a desktop, laptop, or tablet – making it easier for the user to access their files from anywhere. Let’s look at the advantages of using a virtual vault for your business. Benefits of Using Virtual Vaults Some of the essential benefits of using a virtual vault include – These are generic benefits of using virtual vaults, and with AceData Virtual Vault, you can do much more. When talking about the features of virtual vaults, it is crucial to remember that a virtual vault must include these characteristics. Important features of Virtual Vault include: Features of Virtual Vaults What Are Ace Data Virtual Vaults, and How Do They Help To Protect Your Database? You have a fair idea about what are virtual vaults, but do you know what Ace Data Virtual Vault can do for your business? With Ace Data Virtual Vault – an enterprise cloud backup and recovery solution – organizations can achieve seamless business continuity and disaster recovery with cloud backup. Virtual Vault is more reliable, cost-effective, and packs plenty of other benefits, enabling businesses with modern infrastructure for today and tomorrow. But before we tell you more about our virtual vault, let’s look at cloud backup and recovery. Cloud Backup and Recovery – All You Need To Know In simple words, cloud backup can be understood as a service or a strategy wherein your data and applications are backed up and stored data and applications from a primary server of a business to a remote server or a secondary server. Why is it necessary? With cloud backup services, businesses can quickly recover and restore their data stored on the remote server. This ensures minimal disruptions to your operations and offers optimum continuity. These remote servers are usually hosted by third-party service providers. While quick recovery is one of the significant reasons for businesses opting for cloud backup, the other reason is to keep the critical files and data readily available in the wake of any mishap. Mishaps like an outage, natural disasters, or even system failures. How Does It Work? The working mechanism of cloud backup operates on copying the data from your server and storing the copied data onto a remote server. Depending on the preferences and the criticality of data, applications, and files, businesses can opt to back either some or full data onto a remote server. How is Cloud Backup Done? Usually, a cloud backup is done through a web browser or a control panel offered by a service provider. Cloud backup solutions have become necessary for numerous organizations in the present scenario, considering the data breaches and natural disasters that have recently plagued the world. Customers generally go for cloud backup services as they store most or all of their business-critical apps and data on cloud servers. Why To Use Cloud Backup Service? With Cloud Backup services, small businesses can – But this is not all, and here are some more reasons why you must go for cloud backup services for data backup and storage requirements. Ace Data Cloud Backup Solutions – Virtual Vault Ace Data Cloud Backup Solution – Virtual Vault – which is an enterprise cloud backup and recovery solution – is an excellent way to ensure your files are always backed up. With Virtual Vault (Cloud Backup & Recovery Solution), you can enable Continuous Data Protection on specific folders or even just one folder, depending on what you need for safety purposes. The frequency of data backup depends entirely on how often certain types of changes happen. Changes like newly created documents versus other modifications made over time, photos being added periodically rather than captured continually every day by an automatic system. This is only a glimpse of what Ace Data Virtual Vault (Cloud Backup & Recovery Solution) can do for your business. Virtual Vault offers the long-term storage of non-critical backup data. Like everything else, your business also needs a plan B to succeed, and Ace Data’s Virtual Vault is that plan B for your business. When planning to upscale your business operations, the fear of losing your data can wreak havoc on your inner peace. So, how do you keep the worries at bay and still upscale your business operations? By securing all your data, starting immediately. How Does Ace Data Help? Ace Data Virtual Vault (Cloud Backup & Recovery Solution) offers a complete enterprise cloud backup solution that is easily deployable on-premises and is equally compatible with hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Further, when you take cloud backup-as-a-Service, it empowers your organization with a greater visibility into your data; and uses those data insights to take appropriate actions. Additionally, you get real-time control to remediate threats along with compliance reporting. In a nutshell – you have a safe space to store your data without worrying about its security. Ace Data Virtual Vault offers your business the following benefits: These are a few benefits of using Ace Data Virtual Vault. With our single-code approach, we deliver multiple applications that are compatible with different environments. So, whether you want to have a data backup or storage, our single-code-based architecture is an ideal choice to cater to, as it is your data, and it should move along with you. Final words Data backup, storage, and recovery have become necessary in the present world, as the risk of breaches, calamities, and outages is rising. Don’t let your business suffer because of

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Recovery Point Objective.

Recovery Point Objective (RPO)- One Stop Guide

Data backup is as imperative as data protection for enterprises of any size. Reason: Outage, data breach, and any other disaster can happen anytime, anywhere, without warning. And data loss is a business loss if there are no measures in place to recover the lost data. So, how do you ensure to recover the data in case of an event? Through data backup. While earlier organizations had a traditional way of backing up their data, with digitalization, a huge amount of data can’t be backed up in a traditional way. So, cloud backup solutions and services were introduced. And while discussing cloud backup solutions or cloud backup services, we are sure you have come across the term RPO or Recovery Point Objective. And most of you must have wondered what exactly the recovery point objective (RPO) is. In this article, we will discuss RPO in detail, creating a one-stop guide for all your business. What is Recovery Point Objective (RPO)? Before we delve into the importance and benefits of RPO, let’s understand what RPO is. According to the definition, Recovery Point Objective or RPO is the metric defining the maximum acceptable amount of data loss an organization can tolerate in the case of a mishap. RPO represents the time when a business’ data must be recovered to minimize the disaster’s impact on its operations. With the RPO, organizations are in a better position to plan and implement disaster recovery and business continuity strategies. To ensure a successful RPO strategy, businesses, irrespective of their size, must calculate the loss tolerance occurring between data backups. Simultaneously, the time frame required for transitioning from disaster to operational status is also crucial according to scheduled data backups. Since the RPO is the last point when a business’ data is maintained in a manner that can be used, it also helps in planning disaster recovery along with permissible backup intervals. For instance, when you have an RPO of an hour, it is imperative for you to perform data backup every hour. How to Define Your RPOs? When we talk about defining your RPOs, we are talking about the frequency with which you want to update your data files. Here are some factors that may influence your RPOs. What Do RPOs Determine? Once the RPOs are defined, they can help organizations determine the following: What is Zero RPO?  An unacceptable data loss is denoted by Zero RPO. Zero RPO is the data your industry can’t afford to lose, even for a split second, without having major consequences or repercussions. Continuous data protection and replication are the keys to ensuring Zero RPO.  Examples of Zero RPO Two prime examples of Zero RPO are – Digital Medical data and financial transactions at a bank. Importance of Recovery Point Objective The recovery Point Objective, as learned, is the amount of data loss an organization can tolerate, which is important for various reasons. And it is deemed critical in industries where organizations can’t afford data loss even for a second. Here are some of the reasons why recovery point objective is important for businesses irrespective of their size. With RPO, organizations can – 3. Assist in determining your Service Level Agreement (SLA) during disruption: One of the crucial roles the recovery point objective plays is a role of determining the Service Level Agreement or SLA between an organization and its service providers. The SLA helps in defining the expected levels of service during a disruption. Organizations can leverage RPO in SLA determination by considering the following: We have learned how crucial is the recovery point objective, but here are some of the major benefits of RPO for a business that deals with critical data most of the time. Factors Involved to Calculate RPO There are several factors on which the calculation of the recovery point objective is listed below. Top Recovery Point Objective Trends in 2024 Some of the top recovery point objective trends to watch out for in 2024 include: Recover and Resume with Ace Data AceData is one of the most trusted Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) providers. With a committed team of experts who have extensive hands-on experience, we help businesses recover data and get access to IT infrastructure after a disaster. We offer end-to-end disaster recovery solutions. So, whenever a disaster affects your internal systems, your DRaaS system can quickly come into action, providing you with zero downtime or the planned Recovery Point Objective (RPO). To know more about it, book a demo with Acedata.

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Continuous Data Protection

Why Continuous Data Protection (CDP) is Important?

Every business has different needs when it comes to data protection. User-created content typically gets backed up once per day while databases are backed up more frequently depending on their RPO (Recovery Point Objective) and some very critical domains require immediate Continuous Data Protection too! With Continuous Data Protection, you can be confident that your data is always backed up at the minimal set period. Traditionally this has been a luxury feature for high-end databases and storage where you are expected to replicate your data online from one location to another. It involved almost setting up the entire duplicate remote infrastructure to take care of this. Not everyone has enough resources to maintain replicated copies of all their data in different infrastructures & environments. The OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) databases were all that mattered to the enterprises, and they replicated only those. Replicating other data would have been costly in both time and money; there is no point in putting more strain on an already overworked system by making it do something unnecessary! These were left to a Recovery Point Objective (RPO) of at least a day. CDP (Continuous Data Protection) with Ace Data Virtual Vault CDP isn’t an issue with Ace Data Virtual Vault. The solutions offer seamless continuous data protection/backup. You can configure it down to 2-3 seconds after any change or update is made on the data. The system keeps an eye on the data files & folders and the moment the change is saved, it is processed for backups. The users will never need to worry about losing anything important again because everything gets stored automatically within moments anyway. Virtual vault is a great way to ensure that your files are always backed up. You can enable CDP on specific folders or even just one folder, depending on what you need for safety purposes! The frequency at which backup occurs depends entirely upon how often certain types of changes happen – such things might include newly created documents versus other modifications made over time; photos being added periodically rather than continually captured every day by an automatic system. CDP eliminates the need for a backup window by only backing up data whenever it changes, so you can rest assured that your files are always safe. No need to plan a specific data backup window. You don’t have to worry about scheduling or provisioning any special resources because CDP will take care of all this for you! With Virtual Vault, you can rest assured that your data is safe. The software will automatically pick up any new content as soon as it’s saved and keep an eye on all of those changes for you! Enabling CDP is a checkmark away. Conclusion Virtual Vault Continuous Data Protection is a must-have tool for anyone who stores important data. It’s easy to use, and offers complete peace of mind knowing that you’ll be able to recover any lost or modified files with ease – plus it keeps your system up-to-date!

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Cloud Backup

Developing a Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery Strategy

Interestingly, more than 96% of business workstations don’t have data backup and recovery systems, which predisposes large amounts of sensitive information. However, businesses have slowly started appreciating the importance of backup and disaster recovery systems, especially using cloud services. Initially, companies only factored in on-site challenges, such as power outages, server failures, and data loss in their backup and disaster recovery plans. However, with the world becoming a global village, thanks to advancing technology and widespread internet use, these ideas are extremely outdated. Currently, your strategy should factor in situations where you can’t connect to the internet. You should access all the weak points in your business to develop a fail-proof backup and disaster recovery plan. You can handle any arising issue by identifying where mishaps can occur. This is where it comes to cloud backup options. Even though the aspect of cloud computing isn’t entirely new, some businesses haven’t boarded this bandwagon yet. The best thing about using cloud backup is that you don’t have to reinvent your strategy entirely. You can maintain your data backup and disaster recovery strategy after integrating cloud computing into your business. Simply put, the cloud offers a virtual way for businesses can store all their important information. All the sensitive data are kept in offsite data centers. Therefore, if there is an outage in your premises, your essential data can still be accessed. What makes cloud backup attractive for small and medium-sized businesses is the low operation costs. Businesses with limited resources for maintaining data centers and IT teams can use the cloud. Cloud backup also significantly reduces the recovery time, as businesses don’t have to endure the lengthy software patching processes synonymous with traditional backup and data recovery options. However, you should consider several factors before switching to cloud backup & disaster recovery strategy. Concerns to address include; Also Read: 4 Things to Consider, before choosing a Cloud Backup Service Provider Note that there are no one-size-fits-all cloud backup and disaster recovery services. Therefore, find what suits your business depending on your industry.

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Cloud Backup Service Provider

Cloud Backup Service Provider: 4 Things to Consider

Cloud computing is the hottest trend in IT, with no signs of slowing down. Cloud backup services make up for 62% of the existing cloud usage closely following the 70% of organizations using the cloud for file storage. Cloud backup stores a company’s data and applications at a remote location. With a majority of today’s crucial business information being saved on cloud servers, it is only natural for organizations to pick up cloud backup solutions, as well. There is an assortment of cloud backup service providers out there – each one promising the best in service, storage, security, and accessibility. How can you cut through this crowded cloud hinterland? The guide below contains the criteria for selecting the cloud backup service provider that will help you in your journey to opt for the suitable one. Factors to Consider for Choosing Cloud Backup Service Provider Cost  Cost is a crucial factor for any business, especially small and medium-scale businesses (SMB). However, on the cloud, you cannot compare directly among various service providers. You have to be pretty specific about the application requisites to verify the pricing of all the services collectively and then decide. Do not just check the hosting costs, check the total service usage cost as well. We recommend you not migrate from one cloud backup service provider to another frequently just for any feature or one service cost. All cloud providers have their own billing structure. Like many things, cloud service providers come under the pay-as-you-go category, and once you have settled the matters of reliability and security, the terms and conditions will give you a good picture of the cost of those things and how they will be provided. At present, 94% of organizations leverage cloud backup – but some service providers are more secure than others. Several cloud backup service providers provide robust security, of which some features are free while some are paid. Before choosing any cloud backup service provider, check for the security features that fit your application and are easy to incorporate. Data Security Further, you must verify how the cloud backup providers encode data to protect them from any cyber-attack and comply with industry norms. Case in point, if the cloud application to be developed is from the healthcare vertical, it must be validated if the cloud provider complies with HIPAA. Similarly, if there are data security concerns, you need to check if the cloud provider has ISO 27001 certificate. Let us face it: no service provider has a track record of 100% perfection. Prominent players in cloud backup service providers including Azure and AWS offer a guarantee of 99.99% availability SLA (service-level agreement) for production-grade servers. Scalability You need to check the financial condition and performance growth of the cloud provider to ensure that they should be able to underpin your expansion plan with regard to technology and infrastructure whenever needed. Several cloud providers offer access to statistics gauging their performance as it goes against their SLA. If the provider does not have such data readily available, feel free to ask them. A red flag is when they do not provide such numbers. If you face such a situation, move on to another service provider. Disaster Recovery Whether it is a natural calamity such as hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes or a more localized incident such as a fire, your organization’s survival can rest on the rapid recovery of critical operational information. While data is stored virtually in the cloud, cloud backup providers bank on the actual centers of servers to hold the data; as such, disaster plans are essential. Remember to ask the cloud backup provider these vital questions: Make sure you have a clear picture of what the service provider takes responsibility for. Know what they will and will not cover. Conclusion Cloud is an excellent tool for managing data in the 21st century, and it is worth the energy and time to look for the one that suits your business needs best. Choosing the right cloud backup services is tremendously beneficial in protecting your data from risks of all sorts and allowing better cooperation between crew members working with mutual resources. AceData does not believe in scrimping coverage for its clientele. The company is a cloud backup service provider for all businesses and can team up with your existing IT crew to get your business off the ground and in the cloud. Contact now for a free, no-obligation cloud backup consultation.

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Local Backup

Cloud Backup vs Local Backup: What’s the Difference

Imagine if you enter the office and all your systems and servers are out of order. How fast do you think you can get your business back up and running? How fluidly will that process go? Do you have a brilliant IT crew to help you put everything back online? We know that as a non-profit official or a commercial business owner, the last thing you want to think about is data backup – its basics, it’s working, or any of the nitty-gritty. However, if you are eventually responsible for keeping your company safe and your workforce efficient, you need to understand which kind of data backup – cloud backup or local backup- is right for your business. Read on to know more about local backup and cloud backup solutions. Cloud Backup vs Local Backup  Local Backup Local backup is the process of backing up your systems, data, and applications to local devices including, hard disks, tapes, CDs, flash drives, or any other media that is located on-premise, near the data source. Advantages of Local backup Disadvantages of Local backup Cloud Backup Cloud backup is a solution that a company utilizes to back up its systems, data, and applications to a cloud-driven server in a distant location. It can either be public or private. Advantages of Cloud Backup Disadvantages of Cloud Backup To Wrap Up When considering local backup vs. cloud backup, internal servers, and hard drives can still be instrumental pieces of the IT infrastructure. However, cloud back up is a great way to ensure the safety of your confidential data. And a right cloud solution provider like AceData can help ensure that your IT infrastructure and data are always safeguarded. AceData’s cloud backup service is easily deployable on-premise and is compatible with both multi-cloud and hybrid environments. Get in touch with the experts today and unleash protection for your business data.

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