
Cloud Backup Service Provider

Cloud Backup Service Provider: 4 Things to Consider

Cloud computing is the hottest trend in IT, with no signs of slowing down. Cloud backup services make up for 62% of the existing cloud usage closely following the 70% of organizations using the cloud for file storage.

Cloud backup stores a company’s data and applications at a remote location. With a majority of today’s crucial business information being saved on cloud servers, it is only natural for organizations to pick up cloud backup solutions, as well.

There is an assortment of cloud backup service providers out there – each one promising the best in service, storage, security, and accessibility. How can you cut through this crowded cloud hinterland? The guide below contains the criteria for selecting the cloud backup service provider that will help you in your journey to opt for the suitable one.

Factors to Consider for Choosing Cloud Backup Service Provider


Cost is a crucial factor for any business, especially small and medium-scale businesses (SMB). However, on the cloud, you cannot compare directly among various service providers. You have to be pretty specific about the application requisites to verify the pricing of all the services collectively and then decide. Do not just check the hosting costs, check the total service usage cost as well.

We recommend you not migrate from one cloud backup service provider to another frequently just for any feature or one service cost. All cloud providers have their own billing structure. Like many things, cloud service providers come under the pay-as-you-go category, and once you have settled the matters of reliability and security, the terms and conditions will give you a good picture of the cost of those things and how they will be provided.

At present, 94% of organizations leverage cloud backup – but some service providers are more secure than others. Several cloud backup service providers provide robust security, of which some features are free while some are paid. Before choosing any cloud backup service provider, check for the security features that fit your application and are easy to incorporate.

Data Security

Further, you must verify how the cloud backup providers encode data to protect them from any cyber-attack and comply with industry norms. Case in point, if the cloud application to be developed is from the healthcare vertical, it must be validated if the cloud provider complies with HIPAA. Similarly, if there are data security concerns, you need to check if the cloud provider has ISO 27001 certificate.

Let us face it: no service provider has a track record of 100% perfection. Prominent players in cloud backup service providers including Azure and AWS offer a guarantee of 99.99% availability SLA (service-level agreement) for production-grade servers.


You need to check the financial condition and performance growth of the cloud provider to ensure that they should be able to underpin your expansion plan with regard to technology and infrastructure whenever needed.

Several cloud providers offer access to statistics gauging their performance as it goes against their SLA. If the provider does not have such data readily available, feel free to ask them. A red flag is when they do not provide such numbers. If you face such a situation, move on to another service provider.

Disaster Recovery

Whether it is a natural calamity such as hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes or a more localized incident such as a fire, your organization’s survival can rest on the rapid recovery of critical operational information. While data is stored virtually in the cloud, cloud backup providers bank on the actual centers of servers to hold the data; as such, disaster plans are essential.

Remember to ask the cloud backup provider these vital questions:

  • How often do they conduct integrity checks or data backups?
  • What preparations has the provider made for disaster restoration efforts?
  • How simple is it to access that data for recovery purposes?
  • Does the provider’s approach to data protection fulfill your needs?

Make sure you have a clear picture of what the service provider takes responsibility for. Know what they will and will not cover.


Cloud is an excellent tool for managing data in the 21st century, and it is worth the energy and time to look for the one that suits your business needs best. Choosing the right cloud backup services is tremendously beneficial in protecting your data from risks of all sorts and allowing better cooperation between crew members working with mutual resources.

AceData does not believe in scrimping coverage for its clientele. The company is a cloud backup service provider for all businesses and can team up with your existing IT crew to get your business off the ground and in the cloud. Contact now for a free, no-obligation cloud backup consultation.